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Feel Good Friday in Lancaster and Morecambe - Episode 10

Posted on Friday, April 16, 2021

Hello and welcome to another Feel Good Friday and boy what a week to be feeling good! The Lockdown is over, the sun has had it's hat on and we have simply loved hearing the positive news from our local businesses.

We start this 3 minute read focusing on parents up and down the country who today get to find out which school their children are going to in September!  We are spoilt with so many sought after, highly rated schools in our local area. We have our fingers crossed for every single one of you..

Hidden Discoveries

We do love a discovery here at JDG and often some of the best ones are found during renovation work. Over in the US a couple were surprised to find lying beneath a carpet in their lounge was a huge, room size Monopoly board painted  by a previous homeowner. We want to know... would you keep it hidden or polish and display?

Babies Born

With Spring in the air the Maternity Unit at the Morecambe Bay Trust Hospitals have been busy delivering spring babies!  No twins delivered in March, but there were 118 boys and 120 girls delivered, heaviest weighing 10 lbs and the lightest 0lb 10 oz. Congratulations!


DJ Nick Dagger

And finally..if your looking for some feel good dance beats to start the weekend and celebrate our 'first step out into freedom' local DJ Nick Dagger is spinning the decks for Lancaster's 'Hope Sails High' event with the whole performance being streamed live online around the world-  we love the multi talented Nick, he also took all of our team photos.  Nick is the best!

I hope you enjoyed this week's read and come and join me again next time! In the  meantime... Enjoy your weekend, keep smiling and remember -"Better Days are Coming"
