Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Last week I was invited out to value a home for a semi-retired couple. They have lived in their home for almost 40 years. Moving isn’t a decision they have taken lightly. In fact, it has been something they have been considering for the past 18 months. They asked 3 agents out to value. We were one of them. For the respect of client confidentiality, I’ll rename my couple, Mr and Mrs Smith.
Mr and Mrs Smith are a very polite, welcoming couple. On arrival, they greeted me warmly, offered to take my coat and made me a coffee. We sat down and had a chat about their moving plans. Mr Smith asked me some questions. He wanted to know about my experience. How long I had been in the company. And what areas did my company cover? He was very precise in explaining that he wanted to ask each agent the same questions. His wife apologised explaining he used to work in recruitment. I told her no need to apologise. I’ll happily answer any question they have.
I then asked to be shown around. Mr Smith consulted his pad. I don’t know what was fully written on it however he then decided that was ok. Mrs Smith accompanied me around the home. I asked questions. I made comments and many observations. Mr Smith made notes on his pad. I tried to sneak a look. Several boxes were ticked, one had across. This was a beautiful home. One I knew we had potential buyers for. I wanted it for sale.
We sat back down. I asked before I gave my thoughts on their home and discussed a marketing strategy did they have any more questions. Yes, they did. They explained that they were not going to choose an estate agent based on the fee nor on the price they put on the property. It was going to be on a series of questions that will help them decide who is the best agent for them. And it’s this I’m going to share with you. I won’t share my answers today, we can discuss them later!
I answered all the questions thoroughly, sometimes bringing out evidence to back up answers. There were some smiles. There were some frowns. I refuse to tell a client what they want to hear, I believe in being upfront in the beginning however I gave advice and suggestions. I gave my opinion on the marketing price and my reasons behind it, asking them how they felt about it too. They thanked me for their time. They wanted to now consider all the valuations over the weekend explaining to me that their home is their biggest tax-free asset so it is important they made the right decision in the agent they chose. I advised them to also consult family and friends who had recent moving experience. They smiled again. They already had...
I’m proud to say, we are now their chosen agent. We have several viewings booked already. Fingers crossed they’ll be moving soon.
My name is Michelle Gallagher. If you are thinking of moving, please get in touch. We don’t pressurise. It’s all about service and results at JDG. Let me show you how...
You can reach me on 01524 843322 or 409100. Alternatively, drop me an email at